Manufacturing Excellence Since 1928
1928: Alwin was founded
In 1928, Alwin was established in Green Bay, Wisconsin by three gentlemen; Albert, Erwin, and a third investor named Winn. Parts of the first names of these each man were used to create the name “Alwin”.
Originally located in a portion of what was known as the vacant Oneida Truck Co. building on Broadway Street, today nothing exists at this site that would link Alwin to it. Early Alwin dispenser drawings were sometimes sketched on the back of blank Oneida Truck Co. production pages found in the building.

1940: The move to Velp Ave.
By 1940, Alwin had moved to a portion of what was known as the Willow Grass Rug Company building on Velp Avenue. The Willow Grass Rug Company once produced rugs woven from area march grass. While the exterior of the Velp Avenue building has changed over time and the Alwin offices have since moved, Alwin Manufacturing still has some operations out of the Velp Avenue location.
Product History
Since Alwin was established, it has produced a wide variety of dispensers for the paper industry. Some were of specific design for a unique napkin or folded paper towel while others were created for standard singlefold, multifold or c-fold towels. Roll towel dispensers have also been produced for many years. One of the longest production run models was the Bay West “Turn-towel” dispenser that required a user to push a release button before using a crank to dispense toweling.
Alwin also manufactured many other metal products. For years, cylindrical Boraxo powdered hand soap dispensers were produced for the Borax Company of “Twenty Mule Team Borax” fame. Cable straps were produced for the Manitowoc Shipbuilding Company, along with waterproof terminal boxes. Conduit boxes of electric motors were manufactured for Doerr Electric. The list goes on to and even includes manufacturing stop signs for the City of Green Bay.
Today, Alwin produces full lines of dispensing systems that are sold in the hygiene industry. In addition to towel dispensers, Alwin manufactures dispensers for toilet tissue, seat covers, shop towels, soap, sanitizer, and napkins in the food service industry. Within the hygiene industry, Alwin is well known for their high quality design and engineering capabilities.
Looking for more history?
At our Green Bay Headquarters, we have decades of history on display. Reach out today to schedule
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