Custom Plastic Part Design
Alwin Manufacturing’s experienced team of engineers design custom products according to your requirements. Our designers work closely with you to design high quality parts at a cost-effective price in a timely manner. With their vast knowledge of part design and materials, our team can help you select the best materials for your product, simplify manufacturing operations, and improve overall product designs.
Part design is just one of the many ways Alwin serves all your needs. From designing dispensers, to building molds, to the manufacturing process itself, Alwin will partner with you to accomplish your product and business goals.
Discover The Possibilities
Ready to discover how Alwin opens possibilities and enhances the design you are seeking? Connect with our sales team today!

Custom Specialization
With a comprehensive list of part design technologies and services, Alwin offers many ways to customize the parts needed for your application and end product. From creating concept models — bringing your vision to life — to completing rapidly deployed prototypes and conducting Mold Flow analysis, we put your design front and center with with innovative tools.
Our all-inclusive 3D and 2D CAD services are used to customize each customer experience
Complete In-House prototype services include:
- Rapid 3D printing, including ultra-realistic finish and painting options
- CNC machining and/or custom fabrication
- Custom concept models, including photo renderings and foam models
- Cliche printing for pad-printed prototypes
- Mold Flow analysis